Friday, August 26, 2011

APDSA 2011, Bangkok, Thailand - The Unforgettable Memories = Day 2

salam. ok, today aku nk sambung cite semlm =)

Day 2

so, hari kedua ni sume org kene pakai t-shirt APDSA. aku mmg org yg paling seronok sgt kot. haha. mlm sblm tu lg dh try pakai =P nk matching kn ngan arm sock warna ape, seluar warna ape, tudung warna ape...haha...semangat gile! =P alih2 aku pakai all black =) nmpk lawa pulak. haha. perasan! ok2, jgn menyampah ok =P hehe. so, pg tu ade lectures from 3 speakers. tajuk2 die, endodontic emergency, TMJ problems and also medical emergencies that can occur in dental setting. mcm biase la kn, bile lectures, xramai sgt org nk dgr, but for me, sape yg xmasuk lectures hari tu mmg tersgt2la rugi. sbbnye, lectures tu sume sgt BEST! berbaloi dgr. sgt2 menarik + contents die pun sgt bagus la for us as a student. speakers tu pun sgt pandai menarik perhatian audience. diorg letak videos yg sgt menarik n comel2 je. aku ingat lg, ade satu video psl stroke. video tu sgt best ok! seriously! nnti aku try cari, kalau jumpe, aku akan share ngan korg sume =D dont worry =) Thai LOC pun sgt bagus sbb diorg jemput speakers yg mmg well-known + pandai bg talk. so mmg xbosanla dgr. kitorg sume mcm interested gile nk dgr sume talk tu...=) berbaloi-baloi! hehe.

then, lepas habis lectures, kitorg ade Rattanakosin Tour @ City Tour kat Bangkok. mmg excited habis la tyme nih! yela nk jln2 kn, sape yg xseronok?! haha. so, masuk group masing2, jln2 dlm group. so, first place yg aku gi was Museum of Siam. kalau korg dgr perkataan 'muzium' tu, korg mesti kate, "eleh, bosanlah! muzium je pun!" tp, wa nk ckp sama lu (haha...dh terikut bahasa filem kongsi plak dh) muzium bkn sebarang muzium ok! muzium dtg dr langit! haha. merepek je! ok2, aku nk ckp la kn, muzium die bkn mcm muzium kite, bak kate kwn aku from UKM, "muzium die canggih, kalau muzium kite, letak penerangan kat ctu, hah, nah kau bace sendiri!" haha. lawak la kwn aku tu =D oppss! silap2 bleh kene buang negara tau ko tuh! haha. kutuk negara sendiri pulak! =) tp, muzium die mmg best lah. menarik sbb die xbiar korg bace sendiri segala history tu, cthye, ade videos, replika bergerak-gerak, kalau permainan tradisional tu, die letak permainan2 tu kat ctu n korg leh try. kitorg pun ape lg, mainla kn! hehehe. pastu, ade kanta pembesar kat peta, korg kene tgk sendiri pakai kanta tu, kalau artifak, die sediakn berus kat ctu. korg kene gosok2 baru bleh nmpk artifak tu. so, gosok jgn xgosok! (sila bace sambil nyanyi =P) menarik sgt muzium tu! dan aku pun sgt gembira walaupun pegi muzium je =) pastu, nk cite la kn, diorg sume had lunch kat ctu. so dlm group aku, ade 2 org yg puase, aku ngan sorg bdak Makassar. kitorg pun gi la jln2 kat area2 tu, tgkp2 gmbr. pastu, the Japanese guy dlm group aku tu, dgn semangat panggil kitorg mkn skali, he was like, "korg ni sume, mkn je, xajak bdak pompuan 2 org ni ke??!!" then, kitorg ckpla xpe, kitorg xmkn =) so, die pun mcm owh ok =) pastu pulak, my group leader, Nahm pun xmkn, sbb kitorg 2 org xmkn. terharu kot! pdhal xpe je, kitorg ok je, tunggu diorg mkn. aku dh puas suruh Nahm gi mkn, tp die xnk jugak. die temankn kitorg jln2 kat ctu, borak2, amek gmbr. so sweet of u la, Nahm! =) (tetibe rase sedih pulak teringat kat die =((((  ) after melawat muzium tu, kitorg gi Grand Palace pulak. kire mcm Istana Negara diorg la. xde pape sgt pun kat ctu. ade byk patung Buddha. kitorg just dgr history die n tgk seni ukir die yg unik kat dinding2. then, kebetulan, mase tu dh masuk asar kot, takut xsempat solat, so, kitorg pun solat je la kat tepi2 jln dlm palace tu =) ade sorg LOC tu tunggu kitorg sume solat sbb die takut kitorg sesat dlm palace tu. ye la, people was like thousands kot mase tu. pengalaman yg best, solat kat tmpt terbuka mcm tu. last year pun sama gak, solat kat tmpt terbuka je dlm Disneyland =) enjoy some of the photos =)

Grand Palace

me =D

Museum of Siam

we are Group 27 =DD
so, after that, kitorg terus gi satu tmpt yg ade Chao Phraya River cruise for dinner. dinner on the cruise ok!! =))) OMG! mmg excited! dinner ngan kwn2 APDSA kat cruise =D duduk ikut group. so, we all was like enjoying ourselves very much. sume org happy! tgkp gmbr, borak2. happy sgt! diorg sume suruh aku mkn byk2 sbb one whole day xmkn kn =P tp, xdela mkn byk mane pun, sbb halal food ade brape je =) tetibe, Nahm pun ckp, "this is also my first meal for today...lets eat together =)" owh, Nahm, i miss u so much! =((( sambil mkn tu, ade band yg buat performance and kite pun bleh enjoy pemandangan from the cruise. Chao Phraya River sgt cantik di mlm hari. i enjoyed every moment of it =) kitorg duk kat luar cruise tu n menikmati angin mlm + the beautiful scenery. perasaan tu ....i miss it already...=(

with Gaby n Rathy =)

dinner time!
 then, balik hotel, ade AGM. teringin nk join, tp malas la pulak =) dh penat. tp mmg naseb baek xjoin. sbb diorg habis AGM kul 2.30 pg kot! haha. xlarat den. hehe. so, balik bilik dgn perasaan yg tersgt gembira + xsabar nk tunggu hari esok pulak =))

so, thats all for now. sambung nnti pulak =)

p/s: muka yg dh gelap ni sempat x nk jd normal balik before raya? o_O

Thursday, August 25, 2011

APDSA 2011, Bangkok, Thailand - The Unforgettable Memories = Intro + Day 1

salam all =)

walaupun dh terlambat, but i still wanna wish, happy Ramadhan kareem everyone. semoga hari2 terakhir dlm bln yg mulia ini dpt kite manfaatkn sepenuhnye. insyaAllah. ameen.

ok, today, aku nk cite psl APDSA Congress in Bangkok, Thailand. ok2, aku tau aku xhabis lg cite psl APDSA last year kat Japan, tp aku dh nk cite psl yg kat Thailand pulak kn :P tp, biarla, this is my blog, ske ati den la kn? hehe :P sila tampar muke sy :P muahahahaha. eh, sudah2! merepek je.


APDSA Congress stands for Asia-Pacific Dental Student Association Congress. so, negara2 yg terlibat ialah Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Fiji, Philippines, Cambodia, Australia, and Mongolia. so, korg bleh expectlah kwn2 yg korg bakal jumpe kalau korg join congress ni =) first time aku join congress ni was last year kat Japan. that was my first experience in APDSA. mase tu cam xpandai sgt nk bergaul kn, malu2 hahaha. but i managed to get many new friends gak kn? :PP not so bad la. huhu. so, lps balik drpd Japan tu, mmg dh nekad, nk pegi lg tahun ni, kat Bangkok. xtau sbb ape. nk kate best, mmgla best, tp that is not the main reason yg membuatkn aku nk pegi APDSA lg. it has its own attraction. susah nk explain kat cni. korg kene try gi skali n u will feel it =) believe me! xtipu! aku still ingat ade sorg dentist from Indon yg bg talk during APDSA last year, she said, "once u join APDSA, u'll be addicted to it =)" n aku mmg xmenafikn bende tu, coz now, i'm addicted to it! =D n i'm happy!

so, mase nk register for APDSA in Bangkok hari tu, mcm ramai yg nk pegi, sampai rase dh nk lebih kuota yg ditetapkn for each unversity, tp bile btul2 nk register, alih2 tinggal 3 ketul manusia je yg join. ish3. aku pun xtau ke mane hilangnye semangat mereka sume yg mula2 nk join skali dulu. ntah2 aku yg dh amek sume spirit tu x? hahaha. xpela. abaikn. mgkn bkn rezeki diorg kali ni kot. huhu. aku sbnrnye nk ajak ramai2 join congress ni, baru meriah skit =) bleh kongsi kegembiraan tu sama2 ngan kwn2 tp nmpknye xberjaya pulak. sila cube lg la ye cik afiqah... O_o so, lepas aku dh register segala bagai, byr the fees sume, ntah mcm mane pendirian aku utk join the congress sedikit tergugat bile aku jumpe ngan doc penyelaras kitorg, sbbnye, mase congress tu, aku kire skip clinic for 4 days. (hoi, xsedar diri rupenye aku nih! hish!) doc ckp, knape aku nk join sgt bende nih? clinics n requirements lebih penting. sape yg xterase kn kalau dh ckp mcm tu? so, balik lps jumpe doc tu, aku pk2 balik. tetibe rase nk cancel je nama aku. pastu, pk punye pk, aku nekad, biarlah. aku niat nk pulun btul2 clinic sblm aku gi congress tu, lg pun, mase congress tu bln pose, n mengikut pengalaman, bln2 pose ni, pts xnk dtg tuk treatment (nk sedapkn hati sbnrnye haha) tp, mmg true enough la, a few weeks before congress tu, aku sgt tension bile xde pts tyme clinic. geram sgt! huh! so, tetibe rase lebih baik aku join congress tu drpd duk termenung dlm clinic. hehe. sbb tu, skip clinic tanpa rase bersalah langsung. huhu. but actually, i made the right choice! =D APDSA Congress 2011 in Bangkok was super duper AWESOME and FANTASTIC!!!!! :DDD aku xrase menyesal langsung dgn keputusn aku :))) hehe. alhamdulillah!

Day 1

so, skarang baru nk start cite psl congress tu =) flight kitorg from KLIA lebih kurg pukul 12 p.m. then, kitorg sampai Suvarnabhumi Airport lebih kurg pukul 2 lebih waktu M'sia tp kul 1 lebih waktu Bangkok. Thailand lambat sejam drpd M'sia. so, bile sampai tu, kuar kat arrival area tu, cari2, nmpk sepanduk APDSA yg besar. thai LOC members mmg dh tunggu all participants kat airport. mase tu rase cam excited sgt! hehe. xsabar nk start congress =DDD n that was the first time gak knal2 ngan bdak2 Thailand plus a cute Korean guy ngan bdak2 UIA skali. see, baru kat arrival hall, i got many new friends already =) tu blum start congress lg =) seronok sgt! then, naek tourist bus yg  2 tingkat tu, rase seronok sgt coz dpt tgk pemandangan yg clear drpd bas yg tinggi tuh =D then, diorg bwk gi Rama Gardens Hotel, Bangkok. rase teruja sgt. hotel tu tersgtla besar, xjauh sgt drpd airport, about 1 hour je. die ade taman yg cantik, byk pokok n luas sgt kwsn die, full of greens =) pastu register sume, dpt la goodies bag n APDSA t-shirt! :D ske lg!!! dlm goodies bag tu, dh siap ade ur t-shirt (cantik! ske!), name tag, buku congress + CD ok!!! pastu, dlm bag tu jugak, dpt free sim card with thai phone number, congress schedule, toothbrushing set (as usual) n also mini note book yg dh ade simple2 Thai phrase utk kegunaan kite...diorg dh ajar dh skit2 =) so sweet of them :)))) love it! tgk, kitorg baru dpt goodies bag je, dh teruja mcm ape dh, sbbnye, mmg berbeza ngan tyme kat Japan last year. dats why, lps tu, kitorg mmg look forward for the congress la. everything mcm teratur sgt. pandai diorg give the first impression about the congress =D they did it well =) then, masuk dlm bilik pun seronok! =))) the room okla, tp sbb kitorg duk 3 org kn, so mcm sempit skit, tp ok je sbnrnye..=)

the hotel

the lobby

ske sgt!!! =DD

then, mlm tu mcm biase, ade opening ceremony where u will meet all ur group members for the first time. so my group ade 11 org ahli including me, Looknahm (the group leader) from Thailand, David from Singapore, Linda and Eddy from Taiwan, Sawyer from Korea, Kuan Ming from Malaysia, Rathy, Gaby and Mercius from Indonesia and a guy from japan (xingat ape nama die). so, i was happy to meet all of them =) pastu ade ucapan + performance + amek2 gmbr + dinner. then, kitorg jumpe balik kwn2 lama yg dh knal tyme APDSA last year. bile jumpe tu, jerit2 + peluk2 + excited gile mcm rapat sgt =D dats why aku sgt ske APDSA ni kot! kwn2 APDSA sume mcm ade satu spirit yg sama, even though kitorg jumpe skali je tu tyme congress, but bile jumpe balik mcm dh berthn-thn knal =) that is the spirit! i'm loving it! they are such a great friends =D happy lagi!

with Kentarou Honda 


my group members - Group 27!! =DDD
with Fumi Tetsuo
with Kanako Munakata

so, lps habis opening ceremony tu, habis la Day 1 in Bangkok, balik bilik dgn perasaan yg sgt2 gembira + xsabar nk tunggu hari esok =))) so, thats all for now. next entry kite cite psl hari2 seterusnye pulak ye :)))
owh, actually, aku dh rindu Bangkok sgt2 dh, that i could cry! =( pdhal blum sampai seminggu pun me, please...