getting mad with someone is really2 irritating. especially if she doesnt know 'bout it yet still smiling. hate this beng*** person very much! mcm xsekolah! arrghh...geram sgt. feel like wanna scold her n slap her face. but the problem here is, if i yg attack die dulu, nnti diri sendiri yg 'hujan' dulu. sbb dh thn mrh for a long tyme. tu yg ssh tu.
eeiiii....i hate her!!!!! ade gak org teruk mcm tu kat dunia ni. xde hati perut langsung. mcm xleh nk pk. actually, i'm always wondering why some people cant think like other NORMAL people can think. just simple2 things yg bdak tadika pun bleh pk. pelik. sgt pelik. where is the common sense? where did u left it?
moral of the story: dont ever left ur common sense in the toilet or else...
moral - lets go to school everybody!
yeah! lets go bebeh!
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