salam, everyone. ok, i wanna say sorry. tajuk xde kaitan dgn entry ini. :| it's just like a status on facebook. (O_O)
spt biase, setelah berbln-bln menyepi drpd berblog, kini sy kembali. fyi, i'm not like other bloggers yg mmg setia meng-update blog. maklumlah, sy ni bknnnye pandai sgt menulis, tp kalau suh bebel, pandailah! hehe :P. talkative sungguh! btul, sy lg ske berckp drpd menulis, okey. huhu.
dua bln menyepi bkn nye sbb ape2. just memberi laluan kpd final pro exam part 1. FINAL ok?! ingat ape? n it took about 1 1/2 months to finish everything sampai official result kuar. imagine sebln setengah asyik dok godek2 buku n notes, xke separuh g**e mcm tu?! tu pon, xde la godek sgt sbnrnye, byk melencong gak...hehe :P
dan utk pengetahuan sume, sy lulus final pro exam part 1!!! welcome to final year, afiqah!! :) fuhh, nk lulus tu pun satu hal laen. bknnye sng. sape kate nk jd doc (term ini merangkumi dentist) senang? sape? ssh kot! walaupun kene lulus 4 subjek je utk naek thn, 4 tu pun dh mcm hawau (bak kate org melaka, btul erk?) adoyaii! but i made it! :D
so stop cite psl final exam nih, i xske! haha..gedik! :P pasni, cuti seminggu, pahtu, posting seminggu, pahtu, cuti lg sampai awal bln 7, pahtu posting GMGS, pahtu start klinik balik, xnkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!! :| so, kesimpulannye.........
tersimpul! haha. memaen je. kesimpulannye, cuti hanye sebln :| harap maklum.
dear afiqah.
there is only one year left for u, before people can call u, "DOCTOR...". it's not about u or me, it's about the patient. do think about it n prepare urself, afiqah. :) i know u can do it. so, keep holding on and never say never. cheers! :)
see u guys! :D
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